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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/11/17
Sunapee Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday, November 17, 2008
7:00PM Town Office Meeting Room
***DRAFT***                                                             ***DRAFT***
Present: Richard Leone Chairman, Stephen White Vice Chairman, William Roach, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.
Also Present: Diane Guyer, Sue Gottling, Barbara Brill, Julie Carson, Bill Ingalls, Brenda Burns, Ron Michaud., Suellen Griffin, Scott Unsworth.

Documents to sign: See attached agenda

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00PM.

Stephen White made a motion to amend the minutes of November 3rd. In the last paragraph, that the Board of Selectmen gave Mr. Roach and Mr. White a sense of agreement in principle with the issues being covered by the Ad Hoc committee and then asked them to serve on this committee and report back. Second by Fred Gallup, unanimous.

Public Comments
Bob Vigneault, President Sunapee Harbor West- wants written consent from the Town to allow Nationwide Structures, LLC to use Sunapee Boat Landing to remove the floating docks which are being replaced. This should take place on or about April 6, 2009 and will be completed in 7 days. They will remove any snow on the landing. Donna Nashawaty will write a letter of consent to Sunapee Harbor West.

Because the first appointment was not there yet, the Board asked the Town Manager to begin her report.

Town Manager’s Report
Received memo from Town of New London, Jessie Levine with the new 2009 Dispatch rates. The amount of 5% Donna Nashawaty budgeted was not enough. Budgeted 39,200 needs to changes to 41,025.  The Town is happy with the service. By consolidating we do save money.
Donna recommends the Board change the prescription plan. It’s the same supplier Caremark, different program. Motion by Stephen White to accept, second by William Roach. Unanimous. This change is effective in January and needs a 30 day notice when changing a plan.

Barbara Brill, Community Alliance of Human Services-This year we asked the Town for $2500 to support Agencys family services programs. Here’s a little insight regarding the increase. The Youth & Adult Court Diversion program, their biggest program, served 6 Sunapee adolescents last year, and as of this meeting, 14 Sunapee adolescents. This year Community Alliance received a cut in funding from the County. Last year they received $30,000, this year they were cut to $23,500. Also received a small cut in incentive funds that are federal funds that come in though the County. In the past they received $25,000, this year they received $24,300. Currently, they receive funding from 12 of the 15 Sullivan County communities. The Family service Department offers other programs (see attached brochure), administrative support for the town and oversees the Sunapee Food Pantry.

Bill Ingalls, Southwestern Community Services Inc. -This year requested $850. Some of their programs are, an educational program to develop core services and to prepare them to get back into the world of work for self sufficiency. Southwestern has 40 programs that they operate between Cheshire and Sullivan County. Sunapee residents received $19,278 from the Headstart program and $73,000 from Fuel Assistance program. Stephen White told Mr Ingalls that Sunapee Lions Club would be getting in touch with Southwestern, the Lions Club has a source of funds that might be available for Fuel Assistance, but it will be specified that it be spent in Sunapee. The Fuel Assistance program is their biggest program. Keith Thibideau has requested a meeting regarding with the Board to discuss good quality work force housing. Mr Thibideau met with Donna Nashawaty about 1 year ago. Stephen White suggested Mr. Thibideau set a meeting up with the Town Manager.

Brenda Burns, Sullivan County Nutrition-This year requested $2,750. They provide “Meals on Wheels” to seniors 60 years of age or older that are homebound. They serve 26 Sunapee residents. They serve 150 congregate meals daily at the Newport facility. Currently, 1 resident from Sunapee serves on their board and 2 Sunapee residents who run their flexibility exercise class at the Center.

Ron Michaud, West Central Behavioral Health-This year requested $3,300. Ron introduced Suellen Griffin, the new Executive Officer and President of West Central. They have services in Lebanon, Claremont and Newport. They provide mental health and substance abuse services. Last year they served 98 Sunapee residents, 32 were children. They operate on a sliding scale based on the ability to pay or insurance. They are asking for “level funding” from what they did last year.

Casa-This is a new request, $500 this year. Fred Gallup would like to deny their request for $500 as there is some overlap with Community Alliance of Human Services and their fund was increased. Donna Nashawaty will send out letter denying the request.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission-Requested $3844, accepted

New London Hospital-ambulance service, $36,672 accepted

Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice-$8,968 accepted

Kearsarge Council on Aging-$5,000 accepted

Donna Nashawaty, Hydro-Budget went up this year from a $77,367 to $106,074. First items are the salary portion which is on our table, cost of living and step increase. Has 1 part-time worker and the ability to hire a second part-time worker. Daily readings need to be taken on the machinery. Current part-time employee has been with us for 3 to 4 years, does the readings when Bob Collins is out of town. The part-time employee did some painting on the building last summer, a couple hours of maintenance. The major project scheduled for this year is the stonework where it guides the water in and out. A couple of line items effected: 1) engineering work, 2) actual repair, $15,000 in the budget, asking for $35,000. 3) general supplies, went up a little for spare parts for obsolete equipment. Hydro fund will keep a balance of

Selectmen Action
Looney Lunge-Stephen White made motion to allow the Recreation Department to sponsor the Looney Lunge by jumping off town property. Seconded by Fred Gallup. 4 to 1 Emma Smith abstained.
RE-Appointment to Recreation Department-Patricia Halpin. Motion to accept by Stephen White, seconded by William Roach.

Town Manager’s Report Continued

Bid Process-If project is $5,000 or more, the bid would go out. If someone has pre-qualified for the bid, for example if it’s a vehicle and the vehicle is the one the State bid has taken, then we would go to the State bid. We do call a couple of vendors to get a competitive price. For the bid at Ski Tow hill we invited local contractors in town to meet there and walk though and then submit a sealed bid that was opened on the following Friday. Because we have Craig a lot of things are done in-house now. Every effort is made to get 3 bids. We try to deal with local vendors, but go with the lowest bid.

Diane Guyer- Offered suggestions on the bid process.

Conference update-Donna updated the Board with information on recent court cases from the Court Update seminar.
Grandliden- Last year the Water & Sewer Dept asked that a warrant article be put on so we could defray some of the costs for Grandliden installing the water line up to $55,000.  There is a draft agreement that the town, Grandliden and the Water and Sewer Commission have to enter into. The warrant article said The Town would pay the Water Dept. Donna said she needed some sort of agreement that the water line would be turned over to the town. Donna budgeted the $55,000, the Water Dept. did not. So the Water Dept. can not draw a check until town meeting approves a warrant article. Donna has to be it by year end, but the Water Dept. can’t give it to Grandliden until they have a budget that includes an expenditure of $55,000. As long as all agreements are signed, this will be done by the end of December.

        Hemphill-The town was contacted by an engineering company putting in wells in front of Springfield Power Plant. Apparently one of their wells needs to be re-drilled. They need to fill out a wetlands application; it’s also within 20 feet of property the Town of Sunapee owns. Donna directed to send approval letter.

Jobs Creek Highway Layout - Right-of-Way         New property owners bought the Martin property, they have hired an attorney, Michael Work. Our attorney and their attorney went back and forth. We said the town has the right of way over it because of the highway layout. The owners are going to try and get a dock because they have frontage on the water.

Donna got pamphlets from every Engineering firm at the conference.

Sue Gottling- Sue dropped off town by town information report (Sullivan County Human Services) that William Roach had requested.

Steve White wanted to make a statement. Did Ski Tow Hill have to get a site plan
review?  Not required. Any further development on that property would go to site plan review.

10:25 PM – A motion was made by Emma Smith to go into non public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(c)(reputation).  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and Roll call vote approved unanimously.

10:36 PM – The Board returned from non public session.  Roll Call Vote, unanimously.

Special BOS Budget Meeting will be Monday, November 24, 2008
Next Regular BOS Meeting will be Monday, December 1, 2008
Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 10:37PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith